- 論文の詳細を見る
Gymnastics coaches typically place their gymnasts in rank order from poorest to best for competition in each event. Scheer and Ansorge (1980) has reported scores of nationally certified gymnastics judges were influenced by the within-team order. Whether the team final scores were influenced by the within-team order however is uncertain. The purpose of this study was to determine if the team final scores of nationally certified gymnastics judges were influenced by the within-team order of competition. The videotapes of '87 All Japan Gymnastics Meet was used to make equal three groups of judges from a total of fifteen judges. The groupes of judges scored gymnastics routines on each of three videotapes edited from '88 Moscow News Cup. These videotapes were edited as follows:! 1) within-team order from poorest to best, (2) the first and second gymnasts, fifth and sixth gymnasts were reversed using the pumping and building princeple, (3) the poorest gymnast performed in the last position within team order, and did the same as videotapes (2) Using the pumping and building principle. Results of ANOVA revealed that (1) if the athlete was judged as the third competiter for his team rather than the first competitor, he had a significant final score advantage, (p <.05) (2) But the team final scores not influenced by the ordering effect.
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 1989-03-25
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