摂食障害「自助グループ」を考える : アメリカと日本の現状から回復モデルを模索して(食のグローバル化と社会病理,I共同研究)
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In Japan these days, people suffering from eating disorders started to form self-help groups and demonstrate their own activities publicly. Many groups, however, find difficulties due to the lack of public understanding about eating disorders and the lack of know-how in organizing a group. This study focuses on the "transitional" self-help groups of eating disorders in Japan and attempts to examine the development of the groups and the awareness of group participants. The study conducts participant observations on the groups associated with the Eating Disorders Network of Japan (EDNJ, a newly-established network of self-help groups of eating disorders in Japan) and Overeaters Anonymous (OA, self-help groups of eating disorders with a history in the United States) and interviews with the group participants. As a result, the self-help groups of eating disorders in Japan are characterized by a place where the members can have opportunities to get together and share their own experiences and ideas rather than a place where they treat and/or cure their symptoms in a productive way.
- 2005-03-25
- 21-243 教育現場における摂食障害の早期発見と早期支援の現状と課題 : 養護教諭を対象とした質問紙調査より(ヘルスプロモーション1,一般演題(ポスター発表),近未来医療を担う心身医学,第1回日本心身医学5学会合同集会)
- 摂食障害「自助グループ」を考える(2) : イギリスのネットワーク化とそれを学(真似)ぶ日本の課題(研究課題:食のグローバル化と社会病理,I 共同研究)
- 摂食障害「自助グループ」を考える : アメリカと日本の現状から回復モデルを模索して(食のグローバル化と社会病理,I共同研究)
- 下剤乱用について考える--「やめた」人たちの声をもとに (特集 薬物依存症からの回復--改革への挑戦(チャレンジ))