交通戦略による都市発展過程のシミュレーション分析 : 土地利用・交通統合モデルの応用
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The first attempt to construct simulation models to forecast land uses for metropolitan transportation studies emerged in the early 1960s; however, it was the begging of 1980s that the fully integrated land use and transportation package was proposed. Many land use models have been proposed so far that were inspired by actual planning and policy problems. Among them, the most successful one in developing for studying the interrelationship between land use and transportation that is well rooted in economic theory is a probabilistic land use and transportation equilibrium model proposed by Alex Anas. Surprisingly, however, in spite of development of those computer simulation packages, no effort has been done to apply them to simulate potential urban development processes under various transportation strategies. The main purpose of this paper is thus to examine the applicability of the theoretically sound and operational land use transportation model to the simulation of the urban development process and the resultant urban land-use patterns that may be affected by different transportation strategies.
- 岐阜大学の論文
- 2002-06-28
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