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This paper describes kinematics analysis of the javelin throwing from the four men's throwers. Two skilled throwers, two semi-skilled throwers were the subjects in this study. The VTR films were digitized and two biomechanical data (waist velocity and javelin velocity) analyzed through a personal computer system. New index Horizontal relative velocity was made based on these data. *Horizontal relative velocity ={javelin velocity - waist velocity during the javelin throwing motion.} Data analyzed result; U thrower 18.45(M/sec), Si thrower 13.18(M/sec), S thrower 13.47(M/sec), K thrower 12.00(M/sec) It was found to related between Horizontal relative velocity and flight distance except Si thrower. The blocking phase and the flank like action (muti action) phase were especially important to produce a greater Horizontal relative velocity. This new index (Horizontal relative velocity) will provide javelin throwers wishing to improve their records with useful skill advice.
- 武蔵丘短期大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
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