慢性分裂病者に対する就労援助 : デイケアを利用した一事例
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When an individual with psychiatric mental disorder is employed without disclosing one's illness to the employer, one's vocational environment cannot be tailored to fit the individual need. In this case, the individual has to experience several different jobs until one finds the job that best suit the individual. Rehabilitation professionals need to assess the cause when the individual's employment tuened out to be unsuccessful in order to act better in the future employment. Through supporting a case of hebephrenic schizophrenia getting a competitive job, the efficacy of psychiatric day care program became evident. The patient required more time in accommodating to the vocational environment. The patient became extremely tense at the job site, which made her feel worn out easily, thus she could not perform her job skills normally. The patient could communicate with co-workers at the beginning, however as time went by and after some time she started to have problems. In this case, the patient continued the day care program even after she started her work, where she could practice social skills and how to rest efficiently, at the same time it helped her to be more independent from her mother, and to self-evaluate her mental status.
- 神戸大学の論文
四本 かやの
神戸大学 医学部保健学科
四本 かやの
四本 かやの
四本 かやの
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
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