ベンチ制作ワークショップによる建築設計教育の試み(その2) : 福井工大における2003年のワークショップの報告
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The fatal limit of the architectural education is that students in poject studio have no possibility to build actually their own works. They can only experience the design process while their worls being simulated and identified within 2D/3D drawings or models. In order to settle the above mentioned issue, this study is intended to propound a new methodology of architectural design education. The authors propose a workshop, the specific design project of wooden bench, which provides the students hands-on experience and the opportunity to learn the wholi process of production, nature of material, detail work in design, cooperation working among the members, and real pleasure of creation. Our second workshop was held at Fukui University of Technology in October - November 2003; the development of the project, the works of the students, the evaluaiton by the open jury system, and the result of the student's evaluation are reviewed in this paper.
- 福井工業大学の論文
- 2005-03-18
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- ベンチ制作ワークショップによる建築設計教育の試み(その2) : 福井工大における2003年のワークショップの報告
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