- 論文の詳細を見る
A qualitative study was performed by the focus group interview method to clarify the understanding of new graduates about patient education for chronic illness patients. After being given sufficient explanation about the purpose of this study, 17 nursing students were enrolled. The subjects were divided into 3 groups and were interviewed. Analysis of the contents of their interviews about the understanding about patient education for chronic illness patients revealed: (1) "respect for individuality" and "collaboration" concerning the and understanding about attitude for patient education on and "motivation", "formation of relationships of mutual trust", "working with together", "emotional support" and "family support" concerning" the understanding about methods for patient education in the perceptive field; (2) "willingness to approach patients" as thoughts for patients, "difficulty" as thoughts about patient education, and "helpless" as thoughts about the execuation of patient education in the emotional field; and (3) "teaching catered for each patient" and "teaching having the initiative by the student concerning practice of patient education in the psychomotor field. These results suggested that students struggled for chronic illness patients to patient education but they did only teaching through the practice. Patient education is much more than teaching because the aim of patient education is improving not only knowledge but also health behaviors. So the necessity of a new approach to lectures, practice classes, and clinical training in the chronic nursing education for the promotion of integration of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
- 2005-03-01
牧野 信裕
土居 洋子
田原 美奈子
山本 裕子
山本 裕子
池田 由紀
池田 由紀
牧野 信裕
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