南部連合のジャンヌ・ダルクたち : ベル・ボイドとロレータ・ベラスケスの回想記を読む(アメリカ文学系,英文学科創設70周年記念論文集)
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Often dubbed "Joan of Arc of the South" by Southern papers, Belle Boyd started to fight for the Southern cause of independence as a notorious Confederate spy when she killed a Union soldier at the age of seventeen. Burning with a desire to emulate her ideal heroine, Joan of Arc, Loreta Janeta Velazquez also participated in a number of battles as the cross-dressing Harry T. Buford and later engaged in various disguises as a woman spy. By analyzing their wartime memoirs, Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison (1865) and The Woman in Battle (1876), this paper illustrates how the Civil War's gender crises freed Boyd and Velazquez from the confines of traditional womanly duties imposed upon them by the cult of domesticity and true womanhood in nineteenth-century America.
- 2005-03-15
- 渡辺利雄著, 『講義 アメリカ文学史[全三巻]東京大学文学部英文科講義録』, 2007年12月25日発行, 研究社, A5判, 476頁(第I巻), 520頁(第II巻), 506頁(第III巻), 定価(各巻)6800円(本体)
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- 南部連合のジャンヌ・ダルクたち : ベル・ボイドとロレータ・ベラスケスの回想記を読む(アメリカ文学系,英文学科創設70周年記念論文集)
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