- 論文の詳細を見る
Labyrinthula and amoeba spp. were isolated from marine habitats, especially the surface of the thallus of marine macroalgae and eelgrass by using double layer agar plates containing Chaetoceros cells. They formed the characteristic plaques on double layer agar plates by digesting the diatom cells. Labyrinthula isolates formed plaques with concentric circle lines and showed a variety of lag time of plaque growth on the same agar plate. On the other hand, plaques produced by an amoeba strain were relatively uniform in diameter but growth rates of plaques varied among amoeba strains. Both organisms were found to grow as colonies on marine agar plates supplemented with either cell debris or cell extract from some bacteria or yeasts, or animal sera.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1996-12-24
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