Effects of α_1-, β_1-, β_2-, β_3-Adrenergic Agonists on Alveolar Fluid Clearance in Isolated Rat Lungs
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Objective The objective of this study was to determine if α_1-, β_1-, β_2- and, β_3-adrenergic agonists stimulated alveolar fluid clearance in the isolated rat lungs and to determine the mechanism responsible for their effects. Methods Isotonic 5% albumin solutions containing different pharmacological agents were instilled into the distal airways in the isolated rat lungs. The lungs were inflated with 100% oxygen at 7cm H_2O and placed in a humid incubator at 37℃. Alveolar fluid clearance was estimated by the progressive increase in the albumin concentration over 1 hour after instillation. Results Basal alveolar fluid clearance was 6.9±2.2%/h of instilled volume. Phenylephrine (an α_1-adrenergic agonist) increased alveolar fluid clearance by 109%. Prazosin (a selective α_1 adrenergic antagonist) and ICI-118551 (a β_2-adrenergic antagonist) significantly inhibited the increase in alveolar fluid clearance caused by phenylephrine, whereas yohimbine (an α_2-adrenergic antagonist) did not. Denopamine (a β_1-radrenergic agonist), terbutaline (a β_2-adrenergic agonist), and BRL-37344 (a β_3-adrenergic agonist) increased alveolar fluid clearance. Atenolol (a β_1-adrenergic antagonist) abolished the effect of denopamine, but did not inhibit the effects of terbutaline and BRL-37344. ICI-118551 abolished the effect of terbutaline and BRL-37344, and also inhibited the effects of denopamine in part. SR-59230A (a β_3-adrenergic antagonist) inhibited the effects of BRL-37344 and terbutaline in part, but did not change the effect of denopamine. Conclusions These results indicate that phenylephrine, denopamine, terbutaline and BRL-37344 are potent stimulators of alveolar fluid clearance in the rat lungs. The increase in alveolar fluid clearance caused by phenylephrine can be mediated via α_1-adrenoceptors. The effects of denopamine and terbutaline are mediated via β_1-and β_2-adrenoceptors, respectively. The effects of BRL-37344 may be mediated via β_2-adrenoceptors.
- 金沢医科大学の論文
利波 久雄
利波 久雄
利波 久雄
Toga H
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Kanazawa Medical University
Sagawa Motoyasu
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Kanazawa Medical University
Sagawa Motoyasu
金沢医科大学 呼吸器外科学
Sagawa Motoyasu
東北大学加齢医学研究所 呼吸器再建研究分野
Sakuma Tsutomu
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Kanazawa Medical University
Sato Masami
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer Tohoku University
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University
Departments of Thoracic Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
Gu Xiu
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University
Sugita Makoto
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University
Sagawa Motoyasu
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University
Sakuda Maki
Division of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
Osanai Kazuhiro
Division of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
Toga Hirohisa
Division of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
Sakuma Tsutomu
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University
Sakuda Maki
Division Of Respiratory Medicine Kanazawa Medical University
Sato M
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer Tohoku University
利波 久雄
金沢医科大学 放射線科学
Sakuma Tsutomu
Division Of Drug Metabolism Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido Univ.
Gu Xiu
Departments Of Thoracic Surgery Kanazawa Medical University
Sugita Makoto
Departments Of Thoracic Surgery Kanazawa Medical University
Sato Masami
Laboratory Of Genome Science Biosignal Genome Resource Center Institute For Molecular And Cellular R
Osanai Kazuhiro
Department Of Respiratory Medicine And Department Of Clinical Pathology Kanazawa Medical University
Sagawa Motoyasu
Laboratory Of Genome Science Biosignal Genome Resource Center Institute For Molecular And Cellular R
Morita Sumiyo
Laboratory Of Genome Science Biosignal Genome Resource Center Institute For Molecular And Cellular R
Sato Masami
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Kanazawa Medical University
Shimoda Masafumi
Gene Research Center Gunma University
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