和歌山における多チャンネル・短電極間隔方式地電位差観測による地震先行現象検出の試み(第3部 地殻活動に伴う電磁波放射の研究)
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It is almost certain that a kind of electric precursor does exist prior to the earthquake occurrence. However, the interpretation of the physical mechanism is ambiguous yet. Generally, two processes are proposed as a mechanism, one is electromagnetic emmission from the source and another is the streaming potential phenomenon derived by the underground water movement into or from the earthquake rupture zone. We proposed, previously, the third probable mechanism(Miyakoshi, 1992). It is an enhancement of the geoelectric field caused by the accumulation of electric charges (induced polarization phenomenon) on the surfaces of dykes in the underground rock strata. Results of our observations are not concordant with Dr. Varotsos interpretation(1984) made about his geoelectric observation in Greece, that is, the proportionality of the amplitude of precursor to the distance of the electrodes spacing is not necessary to hold in our cases. Generally speaking, geoelectric observation using the short spaced electrodes pairs are more advantageous to the long spaced electrodes pairs to reduce the interference by the geomagnetic induction and cultural noise. And we have enough data about the stability of a carbon lod electrode which we have been using in the observation. of the geoelectric potential differences. Bearing matters above mentioned in mind, we started, in the August 1991, the contineous measurement of the electric potential differences between earthed electrodes of short spacing using two types of electrodes, carbon lods and Pb-PbCl_2 lods, in the observation cave in the Wakayama Seismological Observatory, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo. Wakayama City is located in the western end of the Median Tectonic Line on the Kii Peninsula and is well-known for the anomously high activity of shallow local earthquakes underneath. Objective of our measurement is to detect the geoelectric precursor to the earthquake and to establish the foundation of the geoelectric observation for the earthquake predection in the site of high electric noise level. Results of observation in Wakayama, hitherto, did not reveal the enhancement of noise amplitudes preceding the earthquake occurrence but rather revealed the reduction of noise amplitudes. It might be suggesting the sudden increase of the electrical conductivity of the crust preceding the earthquake occurrence.
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