中国的生産システムの制度分析 : 「56年体制」から「93年体制へ」
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This paper focuses on the issue of institutional fhift at enterprise level in China during the half century from 1950s till 2000s. As a transitional economy, China's economic reform has been described as "gradualism" while the reform in Eastern Europe was known as "big bang". However, the institutional shift at micro-level (enterprises) in Chine has not been made clear complelely so far. The author argues that institutions at micro-level in China should be divided into two systems - "9156 system" and "1993 system". The former represents the system in planned economy ages while the latter stands for the current system. The historical evidences and backgrounds for the author7s argument are specially discussed in this paper. The word "production system" in the paper mainly contains some core production system elements - top management. By reading this paper, the audiences could be acknowleged the arigins of some Chinese-style management elemetns - communist party organization within enterprises, 'iron rice bowl' employment custom, government-controlled payment policy, 'modern enterprise institution', etc.
- 立正大学の論文
- 2004-09-30
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