2C08 強誘電性液晶FLC032における溶質分子 Phenyl Benzoate のS_A-S_C^*相での秩序と分子運動(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)
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For the probe molecule Phenyl Benzoate [PB] having a ^<13>C-enriched carbonyl, ^1H dipole-split ^<13>C spectra are observed in SA and S_C^* phases, together with ^<13>C observations, including T_1, both for PB and FLC032 under ^1H decoupling. Split 7 lines observed in S_A indicate rapid 180° flip motions of the two phenyl rings and different contributions to line spacings from ^1H's in the two rings. Temperature dependences of their chemical shifts show the alignment of PB with the core of FLC032 in SA. In S_C^*, two sets of split lines with 7 and 9 components are observed. With decreasing temperature, the former 7 are down-field shifted and the latter 9 up-shifted. The former ones come from PB subjected to the tilting in S_C^*, while the latter are due to PB excluded into the chain region of FLC032.
- 日本液晶学会の論文
- 2004-09-26
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- 2C08 強誘電性液晶FLC032における溶質分子 Phenyl Benzoate のS_A-S_C^*相での秩序と分子運動(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)
- J.D.ジャクソン著, 西田稔訳, JACKSON電磁気学(上)(下)原書第3版, 吉岡書店, 京都市, 2003, xxv+viii+1,169p, 21.5×15.5cm, 本体(上)9,500円(下)9,000円, 物理学叢書, 学部, 大学院向
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