キャリア・ドリフト論序説 : キャリア・プラトーではない停滞の存在
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This paper presents the concept of career drift. The concept of career drift defines as the point in a career where employee does not consider their career. Originally, this concept, which is regarded as the opposite concept of career design, was presented in Kanai (1999). In this paper we discuss the concept of career drift using two kinds of approaches. One is comparing between career drift and career plateau. Career plateau is a similar concept of career drift and both concepts focus on the stagnation of career. But we find some different point from career plateau. Other is using the interview data. We try to clear the aspects of career drift using living voice from interview data. And finally we discuss future researches of career drift.
- 静岡県立大学の論文
- 2001-12-21
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