Different Myoelectric Behavior of the Erector Spinae in Flexion and Reextension During Trunk Foward Bending
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Trunk forward bending plays a role in development of low back pain. However, a relationship between the bending kinematics and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the erector spinae is not well understood. We studied trunk flexion and reextension during this motion to determine EMG activity of these muscles in relation to kinematics by using surface EMG and an electromagnetic tracking device in 15 healthy young adults. The EMG profile exhibited two asymmetric bursts interrupted by a period of a low level that occurred near full flexion. Mean peak amplitude of reextension was larger by 70% than that of flexion. Angular orientation of T 12 and S 2 segments showed that the EMG reached to the peak at midrange of flexion with a few degrees of lumbar lordosis. In contrast, the peak EMG in reextension was attained immediately after lumbar extension was initiated in a more flexed position with, presumably, a high degree of bending moment. These results of the angle-EMG relationship of reextension, with a sudden increase of the high EMG activity of the muscles, may offer a possibility that the reextension position is at a risk of back injuries such as lumbar disc herniation.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 1999-12-26
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kobe University School of Medicine
Hirata Soichiro
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Ishikawa Hitoshi
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Saura Ryuichi
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Hirata Soichiro
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Hirata Soichiro
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ishikawa Hitoshi
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Tanase Yoshihiro
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Saiseikai Hyogo Hospital
Ishikawa Hitoshi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Ishikawa Hitoshi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Mizuno K
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Mizuno Kosaku
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Kobe University School Of Medicine
Hirata Soichiro
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery Kobe University School Of Medicine
Saura R
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Saura Ryuichi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Saura Ryuuichi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Saura Ryuichi
Kobe University School Of Medicine
Hirata Souichirou
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Tanase Yoshihiro
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Saiseikai Hyogo Hospital
Ishikawa Hitoshi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University
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