An Urban Noise Survey in Sapporo, Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
The city noise status was studied in Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido, Japan, which had a population of 1.2 million as of May 1975 and an area of 1,118 km^2, at 184 measuring points determined geometrically by the sector-belt division method. (1) High noise levels were observed inside Kanjoh-dori Avenue, which was constructed as a beltline to relieve traffic congestion, and high noise levels were also clustered around the main roads spreading outwards radially. (2) The city noise levels decreased in proportion to the distance from the center of the city. (3) The city noise levels studied according to zoned areas were especially high in the commercial and industrial areas. (4) Since the noise levels of the civic center area measured by the sector-belt division method were numerically almost equal to those by the grid-square division method, the sampling of noise by the sector-belt division seems to be useful, especially when a city has developed radially from a certain civic center area. (5) There were significantly high correlations between the city noise levels (L_x and Leq) and the traffic flows (W.N.V.); hence, it is suggested that the noise levels in Sapporo are greatly influenced by the traffic flows. Since there is the possibility of overestimating the noise levels when using the Leq values in the suburban areas, it seems reasonable that the use of the L_<50> values in combination with the Leq values is necessary to evaluate the noise levels in those areas.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 1986-08-20
新岡 正
北海道大学大学院 地球環境科学研究院 環境修復分野
新岡 正
北大. 院. 環境情報医学
新岡 正
北海道大学 地球環境科研究
Fujimoto Shun
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Department of Physical Education, Nippon Sport Science University
Makizuka Tadao
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine Hokkaido University
Kumashiro Masaharu
Department Of Ergonomics University Of Occupational And Environmental Health Japan
Kumashiro Masaharu
Department Of Ergonomics Institute Of Industrial Ecological Sciences University Of Occupational And
Niioka Tadashi
Department of Environmental Medicine, Division of Social Environment, Graduate School of Environment
Kaji Hiroshi
Health Examination Center Workmen's Accident Compensation Hospital Of Iwamizawa
Niioka T
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Makizuka T
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Makizuka Tadao
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
Hosokawa Toshiyuki
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Miyake Shinji
Department of Environmental Management II, School of Health Sciences, University of Occupational and
Miyake Shinji
Department Of School Health Sapporo College Hokkaido University Of Education
Tanaka Gouichi
Department of School Health, Sapporo College Hokkaido University of Education
Tanaka Gouichi
Department Of School Health Sapporo College Hokkaido University Of Education
Niioka Tadashi
Department Of Environmental Medicine Division Of Social Environment Graduate School Of Environmental
Miyake Shinji
Department Of Environmental Management Ii School Of Health Sciences University Of Occupational And E
Saito Kazuo
Department Of Earth And Environmental Sciences Yamagata University
Saito Kazuo
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Saito Kazuo
Department Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Makizuka Tadao
Department of Hygiene and Peverntive Medicine, Division of Social Environment, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
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