The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S. S. Soyo-maru, 1992-1930 : Part 5. Nonionidae
Asano Kiyoshi
Institute Of Geology And Paleontology Tohoku University
Asano Kiyoshi
Institute Of Geology And Paleontology Tohoku Universty
- Operator Theoretical Approach for Transport Equations (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)
- On the Cauchy problem of the Boltzmann Equation with a Soft Potential
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- The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S. S. Soyo-maru, 1992-1930 : Part 5. Nonionidae
- Memorial Volume Dedicated to Professor Shoshiro Hanazawa