Attenuation of Telomerase Activity by Hammerhead Ribozymes Targeting Human Telomerase RNA and Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase in Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells
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In cancer gene therapies, it is ideal to target tumor-specific genes. Since telomerase is activated in almost all cancer cells but not most somatic cells, it is considered as one of the favorite targets for cancer gene therapies. Ribozymes are catalytic RNA molecules with site-specific endoribonuclease activity. In the present study, we designed hammerhead ribozymes against human telomerase RNA (hTR) and human reverse transcriptase subunit (hTERT) to evaluate their effect on the attenuation of telomerase in the pancreas cancer cell line, PK-8. Hammerhead ribozyme targeting hTR depressed the level of telomerase activity in PK-8 cells. pRc-hTR vector with ribozyme targeting hTR and pRc-hTERT vector with ribozyme targeting hTERT mRNA were transfected into PK-8 cells and depressed telomerase activity and target RNA, but in pRc-hTR transfectant, hTERT mRNA expression was slightly upregulated and in pRc-hTERT transfectant hTR expression was also slightly upregulated. These findings indicate the co-regulation of hTR and hTERT mRNA expression in cancer cells. Extrachromosomal replicational vector, pCEP4, containing ribozyme targeting hTERT mRNA showed the most effective inhibition of telomerase activity, suggesting that the continuous effect of ribozyme is necessary to inhibit telomerase activity. Since the level of hTERT mRNA expression is less than that of hTR expression in cancer cells, ribozyme targeting hTERT mRNA might be a more useful therapeutic strategy for cancer gene therapy. Moreover, the co-regulation of hTR and hTERT mRNA expression in cancer cells to maintain the levels of telomerase activity suggested that the strategy of inhibiting hTERT mRNA and hTR simultaneously has a powerful potential as a gene therapy for targeting human telomerase.
- 広島大学の論文
Hiyama Eiso
広島大学 医歯学総合研究科小児外科部門
Hiyama Eiso
広島大学 小児科
Hiyama Eiso
Natural Science Center For Basic Research And Development Hiroshima University
Murakami Yoshiaki
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sophia University
Matsuura Yuichiro
広島大学 第1外科
Sueda T
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Hiroshima University Hospital
Sueda Taijiro
広島県厚生農業協同組合連合会廣島総合病院 外科
Sueda Taijiro
Department Of Surgery Division Of Clinical Medical Science Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hi
Sueda Taijiro
Deaprtment Of Pediatric Surgery Graduate School Of Biomedical Science Hiroshima University
Sueda Taijiro
Department Of Surgery Division Of Clinical Medical Science Graduate School Of Biomedical Science Hir
Sueda Taijiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Hiroshima University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Division of Clinical Medical Science, Programs for Applied Biomedicine, Gradu
MATSUURA Yuichirou
First Department of Surgery Hiroshima University School of Medicine
Murakami Yoshiaki
Department Of Surgery Division Of Clinical Medical Science Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hi
Murakami Yoshiaki
Department Of Cardiology Jichi Medical School
Matsuura Yuichiro
Department Of Surgery Division Of Clinical Medical Science Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hi
Santo Takahiro
Department Of Surgery Division Of Clinical Medical Science Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hi
Hayashidani Yasuo
Department Of Surgery Division Of Clinical Medical Science Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hi
Murakami Yoshiaki
Department of Surgery, Division of Clinical Medical Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University
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