G07 新規就農プロセスの分析と考察 : 新規就農を促すシステムとツールの提案1(工業デザイン, 材料計画, 形態・構成, ファッション, 平成17年度日本デザイン学会第52回研究発表大会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, the number of support system for taking a new job in agriculture has been increased. But it is still difficult to start agricultural jobs newly. We analyzed the problem and considered an effective process to design the system and the tool for new farmer. As a result of analysis by ISM, we found it was the biggest issue to get many kinds of problems at once when one starts the jobs. Therefore, we made a flow of taking a new job in agriculture after people experienced something to their level of interest in agriculture step by step. The flow consists of three areas, "food, " "Farm village, " and "knowledge." We propose three methods, "showing entrance, " "leading the next stage, " and "showing the whole map."
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 2005-05-30
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