發動機氣筒内燃焼の分光學的研究 : 第2報 未燃焼混合氣に於ける吸收スペクトル
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As mentioned in the 1st report, when knocking occurs, the emission spectra becomes unusually intense, while the band spectra of C_2 and CH molecules tend to vanish. In order to explain these facts, we watched the change of absorption spectra of a pre-flame gaseous charge through two quartz windows attached to the opposite sides of the cylinder head. A hydrogen discharge bulb was placed in front of one of the windows, and the emitted light beam that had been passed through the combustion chamber was focused on the slit of the "Adam-Hilger" quartz spectroscope. As motor fuels, n-Heptane, iso-Octane, Toluol, Methanol, Pinacolin, and iso-propyl-Ether were used in this experiments. The spark advance angle was varied through a range of from 45°to 65°before T. D. C. in crank angle, and the absorption spectra was observed carefully in both normal and knocking combustions. With the aid of these experiments we confirmed, at any rate, that in gaseous mixtures, pre-flame reaction always occurs more or less, it being brought about by adiabatic compression as the result of piston motion and flame expansion, and also by conduction, convection, and radiation of heat from both flame-front and cylinder wall. Although it was not possible to obtain the light source strong enough to permit such observations as would enable a discussion of the absorption spectra quantitatively, the following points were confirmed: 1) n-Heptane showed marked absorption before it emitted a flame, while iso-octane showed slight absorption. In these feuls, absorption changes proportionally with the intensity of knocking, and when spark-timing is advanced it becomes quite marked. It is very interesting that iso-compounds of hydrocarbons always indicate slight absorption compared with normal compounds. (Fig.16 and 17). 2) Notwithstanding their high octane numbers, Toluol, Methanol and Pinacolin show very marked absorption, which attains maximum a few moment after spark ignition, gradually diminishing until ignition begins by flame propagation and the emission spectra covers the H_2 and absorption spectra. (Fig.18). 3) Pinacolin does not show any absorption until the mixture is ignited by a spark, while the other fuels show absorption over 2300 Å 2450 Å wave length before they are sparked. (Fig.18). 4) Iso-propyl-Ether shows very strong absorption immediately before it emits a flame, even when knocking does not occur. (Fig.18). 5) When added to n-Heptane (20% vol.), para-aldehyde shows no striking difference in the absorption spectra of the former. (Fig.16).
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
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