中部労災病院における案内支援システムの開発に関する事例研究 : ヘルスケア施設のウェイファインディングに関する研究(2002年度大会 (北陸) 学術講演梗概集)
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This paper is the second of continuous case studies on the development of PC based hospital wayfinding system. We developed the system to be placed at the hospital entrance to show various destinies in the out patient area. The paper deals with its usage through the analysis of users' traces on touch-panel display. These traces were automatically recorded by the system. The findings revealed the common usage patterns in two different hospitals. Users most frequently touched the button regarding amenities, "shops etc" and "neighboring facilities, " more often than those regarding clinical services. This may indicate the effectiveness of the automated wayfinding support system.
- 2002-06-30
論文 | ランダム
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