25pYA-8 Investigation of 2p^4np → 2p^4 valencemultiplet changing Auger transitions in Ne following 1s photoelectron recapture
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2005-03-04
De Fanis
Pruemper Georg
Tohoku University
Tamenori Yusuke
OURA Masaki
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Kabachnik Nikolai
Moscow State University:universitat Bielefeld
Ueda Kiyoshi
Tohoku University
Fritzsche Stephan
Universitat Kassel
Oura Masaki
Riken Spring-8
Oura Masaki
Tanaka Takahiro
Sophia University
Hergenhahn Uwe
Tohoku University
Kitajima Masashi
Sophia University
Tanaka Hiroshi
Sophia University
Hergenhahn Uwe
Tohoku University:max-planck-institut Fur Plasmaphysik
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