当事者とは誰のことか : 日常性の解剖としての差別問題学習
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In the human rights education, we often talk about discrimination problems by showing the image of those who are actually discriminated and claiming that they must be relieved from suffering and justice should prevail. Whenever we do this, victims of discrimination are referred to not as We but as They. It can be easily thought to be as a matter of fact that discrimination is an action to exclude Others. As a result, phrases in the passive voice like "they are discriminated" or "they are prejudiced" become a hackneyed expression and They and We dichotomy is completely established. What is important in the human rights education is to analyze how the They and We dichotomy works to exclude somebody from society. The crucial question is not "Why are They discriminated?" but "Who discriminates?", "Who helps to discriminate?", or "Who/What are We?"
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 2004-09-30
広島修道大学 | 論文
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