バングラデシュ・ムスリムの自問自答 : 「フォトワ判決」をめぐる混乱から考える(後編)
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On the January 1^<st> 2001, the High Court Division of the Bangladesh Supreme Court issued a verdict in a case which dispute the continuity of a Muslim marriage. Following the nationwide disturbances which happened just after the verdict was issued, this essay tries to declare why such a small case concerning a very private issue caused such a great response. In section 1, we follow the process from a private dispute about the continuity of marriage turning to a legal case, and then the issuing of a "verdict" on the case which change the case to a "fatwa case". We also follow the process by which journalists and the so-called "civil force" responded to the "verdict", and how this verdict became a political issue. In section 2, we look close at the "verdict". Looking at the details of the "verdict", and on the whole process by which small dispute turned into legal case, and, then to a "fatwa case", and finally to a "verdict", the author points out the existence of various important factors as well as a multiplicity of disputes centering around the "verdict". Through the survey of the previous chapters, we found that the relationships between national politics and Islam, and between politics and NGOs, play great roles in this matter. Among these, Section 3 concentrates mainly on the relationship between politics and NGOs. Examining the statements of NGOs and of critics, it is suggested that the advancement of NGOs to the political arena after the issuing of the "verdict" reflects the changing nature of the NGOs themselves, especially as regards their movement into the commercial area. It is also suggested that the people of Bangladesh may have to reconsider the very nature and meaning of NGOs in Bangladesh in the near future. Section 4 deals with the people who subscribe to fatwa, but not the controversial "fatwa (baj)". Some letters and articles from papers and magazines are introduced which insist on subscription to fatwa. The author points out the existence of "practicing Muslims" who are quiet but large in number. The existence of a hidden but deep gap between "advanced" people and "practicing Muslims" in Bangladesh society is also pointed out. Section 5 deals with the problem of the perception of fatwa itself in Bangladesh Muslim society. There is a clear tendency that the "advanced" people see fatwa only as a problem related to depression in women. This is not the case in reality, of course. It is suggested that the central point of dispute on this matter regards the judges irrespective attitude between fatwa, a kind of suggestion issued by the mufti, and "fatwa", a special kind of oppressive verdict issued by self-styled fatwabai. Needless to say, as fatwa itself is a part of Islamic jurisprudence, we must see the problem with regard to this fact. The last section is devoted to fatwa as law and to the relation between fatwa and civil laws. Starting with the problems related to the disputed "Sharia Board", the subtle and rather ambivalent relationship between religious laws and civil laws are explored, as well as some hidden problems in the Muslim Family Laws in Bangladesh. Finally, the discussion reaches a crucial problem regarding relationship between Sharia laws and the Constitution of Bangladesh. The whole discussion suggests that the vague attitude of the so-called "progressed" people is questioned and challenged by the dispute surrounding this fatwa case, seems that they are once again urged to think about their own social identity in contemporary Bangladesh society.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 2002-02-28
広島修道大学 | 論文
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