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In the rapid development of syntactic theories over the past two decades, we can distinguish two very different main streams. One is concerned with the study of the sentence forms in isolation while the other is concerned with the study of sentence forms in relation to their non-linguistic contexts. In an earlier paper (Nakasono 1994), I raised the possibility that the second approach (a speech acts theory) might provide a systematic partial reduction of the restriction of pronouns in quotations; the brief outlines is given in Section 5 but the detail will be found in the earlier paper. The properties of the account are significant in that the linguist can confront little direct evidence, so that it is reasonable to assume that they reflect deeper principles of speech acts. In this paper, I want, first, to show how the account might be further justified and extended. Second, I shall attempt to show the linguistic data in our surroundings.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 2002-02-28
広島修道大学 | 論文
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