スピノザのPhilosophy of Mindを再考する(下)
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Spinoza says that human mind is the idea of human body, and we have made sure that the word "idea" means some objective reasoning situated in the divine infinite intellect. But what is the exact meaning of the word "human body" here? By looking at some general aspects of Spinoza's physics which takes the whole universe to be a continuum in motion, we can conclude that the essence of human body is considered to be a certain ratio of motion and rest. So, after all, Spinoza seems to take the idea of human body to be an inference from general laws and truths to a set of conditional propositions showing the conditions for the existence of the human body. As Spinoza objectifies human mind in the divine intellect, it is very difficult to put subjective sensations into his philosophical system. But Spinoza seems to see a great advantage in this objectification of human mind, because it prepares an answer to an important epistemological question: how the human mind can understand the external reality objectively. In Spinoza's view, it is just because human mind objectified in the divine intellect contains in itself notions of universal natural laws (common notions) that it can grasp the material reality objectively.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
広島修道大学 | 論文
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