スピノザのPhilosophy of Mindを再考する(上)
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Today some scholors seem to have a tendency to see in Spinoza a precursor of Mind-Body Identity Theory or Double Aspect Theory, but the author stresses that one could interpret Spinoza's Philosophy of Mind the most consistently only if one approached it with the sufficient understanding of the quite peculiar terminology and logic of his metaphysical thought. In this paper the author tries to make clear those elements of Spinoza's metaphysics which could be decisively relevant to the exact and consistent interpretation of his Philosophy of Mind: first, the peculiarity of his concept of God as the unique Substance; second, the asymmetry between Thought and the other Divine Attributes; and third, the Principle of Intelligibility implied by his concept of Infinite Intellect.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 1998-09-30
広島修道大学 | 論文
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