現代自由意志論はどこに向かっているか : Honderich vs. Double論争から見えてくること
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The problem of determinism and freedom is one of the most traditional subjects of philosophy, but in recent decades there has been a great change in the way of philosophizing the problem. This paper has two aims. One is to get a clear view of the change through the works of P. F. Strawson and Ted Honderich. The other is to try to tell what will be at stake in the future free will debate by looking at the recent controversy between Richard Double and T. Honderich. The most important question in the free will debate had been whether the factual concepts of human freedom and moral responsibility were compatible with determinism, before the epoch-making works by Strawson and Honderich were published. At present, many free will theorists are primarily concerned to know whether our attitudes such as gratitude and indignation are compatible with determinism or not. This attitudinal nature is clearly seen in the current free will debate. Double and Honderich shares the same attitudinal stance in approaching the issue of the consequences of determinism, but there is a sheer disagreement of opinion between them, because Double sees no cognitive elements in human attitudes while Honderich asserts that our attitudes contain some factual judgment concerning the initiation of actions. Their controversy suggests that it will be an decisive question in the future free will debate whether our attitudes have cognitive elements or not.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 1998-03-30
広島修道大学 | 論文
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