同時バイリンガルの言語識別能力に関する縦断的実証研究 : 一語発話期におけるコードの切り替え及び同義語
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Recently, with the increased popularity of international economic and cultural exchanges in Japan, the number of Japanese children living overseas and foreign children living in Japan has increased dramatically. Also families living in monolingual situations have recognized the importance of English and wish for their children to begin learning English at an early age. Consequently, the issue of bilingual education cannot be avoided even in Japan. This is an age in which a child's native language and culture should be taken into consideration when teaching Japanese as a foreign language, as well as a time for re-evaluating effective methods of achieving bilingualism. However, reserach in this area in Japan is extremely limited. In attempting to understand and clarify bilingual children's learning processes, the author has undertaken an ongoing account of her efforts to raise a bilingual child (T) in Japan. This paper, in response to the interest in previous papers, she concentrates on: (1) by analyzing the corpus accumulated from T during the period of one-word utterances (0; 8.9-2; 0), providing concrete evidence of English-Japanese equivalents in relation to the sociolinguistic contexts and (2) as an implication of the firm base, supporting the claim that bilingual infants do have the ability to differenciate between two languages. This research was supported by a 1995 Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research from the Ministry of Education, Japan.
- 1997-09-30
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