クザーヌスの『De dato patris luminum n. 100』における物体的な光,色,透明体について : ロバート・グローステストの『De luce』『Hexaemeron』『De colore』『De operationibus soils』における光,色,第一質料,透明体に照らして
- 論文の詳細を見る
In De data patris luminum, chapter II, n. 100, NIKOLAUS of KUES explains his metaphysical principle "the descent of the Absolute Being to the finite beings, and the contraction of the Absolute Being by the finite beings", using an example taken from natural optical phenomena: the generation of colours, which is caused by the self-descent of light into colours and contraction of light by colours. But, concepts such as LUX, COLORES, PERSPICUUM. which make up this explanation, belong to a comprehensive understanding of the whole corporeal world which is in NIKOLAUS' mind. Unfortunately, NIKOLAUS, in De data patris luminum, chapter II. n. 100, leaves out the explanation of the construction of the whole corporeal world. As a consequence, we have to reconstruct the explanation from other texts of NIKOLAUS. In the texts of De coniecturis, De quaerendo deum, and Compendium, there are a few descriptions relating to the whole corporeal world, but, they are only fragmental and so they do not give us sufficient keys to decipher NIKOLAUS' whole corporeal world construction. Then, though pre-dating NIKOLAUS by 200 years, ROBERT GROSSETESTE's concept of the whole corporeal world, "the world of beings having extension, whose unique formal cause is the ONE PRIMORDIAL LIGHT of Genesis, chapter 1", coincides in it's details with those fragmental descriptions above regarding the construction of the whole corporeal world of NIKOLAUS. Especially, Grosseteste's concept of MATERIA PRIMA. MATERIA PRIMA, although having no extension in itself, is made into MOLES, that is into the atoms having extension, by "infinite self-multiplication which follows the infinite self-multiplication of the PRIMORDIAL LIGHT" of Genesis, ch. I, at the beginning of creation. MOLES can be understood as the same thing as NIKOLAUS' RES. If the identification of GROSSETESTE's "MATERIA PRIMA made into MOLES" with NIKOLAUS' "RES" is correct, "MATERIA PRIMA made into MOLES" can be the key-concept which enables us to have clear understanding of NIKOLAUS' whole corporeal world construction. So we have a way of getting a clear understanding of De data patris luminum, ch. II, n. 100.
- 札幌大学の論文
- 1990-09-28
- ロバート・グローステストの光概念に関する諸問題V研究ノート : ロバート・グローステスト『分析論後書注解』第一巻第十四章216行〜290行の翻訳と覚え書き
- 翻訳と覚え書き : ヨーゼフ・コッホ校訂アエギディウス・ロマヌス『哲学者たちの誤り』第一章アリストテレス第一節、第八節と校訂者注18
- ニコラウス・クザーヌス『創造についての対話』 : 翻訳および覚え書き(寺村武先生定年退職記念号)
- クザーヌスの『De dato patris luminum n. 100』における物体的な光,色,透明体について : ロバート・グローステストの『De luce』『Hexaemeron』『De colore』『De operationibus soils』における光,色,第一質料,透明体に照らして
- グローステストの光概念に関する諸問題III : 翻訳 Robert Grosseteste: De colore(石附喜三男教授追悼号)
- NICOLAI DE CUSA DE DATO PATRIS LUMINUM : ニコラウス・クザーヌス もろもろの光の父の贈り物
- グローステストの光概念に関する諸問題II : "De luce seu de inchoatione formarum"全訳
- グローステストの光概念に関する諸問題I : De luce seu de inchoatione formarum 54; 11-3における第一質料をめぐって