機能文法としての発話行為の役割 : 発話行為の理論と展開
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This paper deals with the problem of the semantic ambiguity of speech acts, reviewing the study of the speech act theory. A speech act is approximately the functions which is performed in a given context and is becoming more and more important in the current research on the syntax and pragmatics. As for the speech act theory by Austin or Searl, the focus of researches was limited only to the speaker. Recently even not only a speaker but a hearer came to take into consideration. It is the problem of the semantic ambiguity of speech acts which becomes a problem in such a research trend. Utterances can carry out various functions by a hearer's interpretations. By focusing on the syntactic phenomenon in a quotation, it becomes possible to study this problem.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 2003-02-28
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