宣明暦の没日・滅日について : 正日にあらざるゆえ用いるべからず
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It is stated about Motsunichi(没日) and Metsunichi(滅日) in the calendar of the Heian through the Edo period in this paper. As for them, the researchers of the Japanese history hardly know. They were the ideas to make reality correspond to the ideal in the lunar-solar calendar. The calendar was called "Senmyo-reki".(宣明暦) It was devised in Tang (唐) age and was transmitted to Japan. Then, it was very excellent calendar method. As Motsunichi and Metsunichi were explained with being the accumulation of the error, they could not be thought to be normal days. For example, when days were counted, they were not made within the number. Or people hold no ceremony on those days as misfortune days. Therefore, you must surely know them when you study the historical documents of Japan. They are very interesting objects as a topic of the study of the calendar. Here the outline will be introduced, and I want to call your attention.
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