Decision-making Concerning Individual Learner Differences in the EFL ClassroomDecision-making Concerning Individual Learner Differences in the EFL Classroom
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Over the last few decades there have been considerable advances in the literature on individual learner differences in foreign or second language (L2) learning. Research shows in what ways learners are different and how these differences can affect their success in L2 learning. While admitting the significance of individual learner differences, few attempts have been made to investigate how teachers actually cope with such differences in the classroom. It is assumed that the way teachers view these individual learner differences may affect their decision-making in planning their approach to particular lessons, the level of language or teaching/learning material to be used, or the design of tasks or tests, which may in turn determine the final overall success of the lessons. The focus of the present paper is on one aspect of this issue; specifically Japanese teachers' views about their classes. It reports preliminary findings of the English teachers' perceptions of their EFL classes at the junior high school level. The data shows that Japanese EFL teachers are more concerned with relatively low achieving students and assumes that their lessons are planned accordingly. The data further suggests that the teachers' attitudes may be affected by the fact that junior high school education is part of the compulsory education system in Japan where credence is given to the belief that it is more important not to leave any low achieving student behind rather than to help high achieving students.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 2001-02-28
広島修道大学 | 論文
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