- 論文の詳細を見る
The East Malaysian state of Sabah is a plural society, which is composed of the various ethnic groups such as Kadazandusuns : ethnic majority, Bajaus, Muruts, Malays, Chinese, and so on. Most of the Kadazandusuns are Christians while some of them are converted to Muslims, and the Bajaus and Malays are Muslims. Though Sabah is oil-rich state, it receives nominal five percent royalty from the federal government. The state economy heavily depends on the development allocation from the federal government, and the investment from the Malay peninsula. Therefore, the keys to success for the political parties in Sabah, are the maintenance of the ethnic harmony in the state and the good bargain with the federal government. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS : Sabah United Party) was established in 1985. It has been led by Joseph Pairin Kitingan, the patriarch of Kadazandusun, who claims "Sabah for Sabahans," and demands bigger portion of oil royalty. The party includes some Chinese and Muslim members, and proclaims itself a multiethnic party. Though PBS won four straight victories in the state elections from 1985 to 1994, it lost the government party status just after the state election 1994, because of the party-hoppings of its elected candidates. It couldn't return to the government party in election 1999. This article is to analyze the trail of PBS, mainly in connection with three issues : its centripetal power in the ethnically diversified state, its relations with the federal government, and the leadership of party president, Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
- 桜美林大学の論文
- 2000-03-31
- 城山英巳著, 文春新書, 『中国共産党「天皇工作」秘録』, 2009年8月刊, 261ページ, 税込798円
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