イギリス高等教育に関わる国家政策の基盤形成 : 1919年大学補助金委員会設置をめぐる史的系譜を中心に
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This study is concerned with growth and changes in higher education in the United Kingdom from the 19th century to the 1920's. Especially focusing on the process of creation of the University Grants Committee (UGC) and the relationships between universities and the state, the writer looks back on and analyzes the patterns of the university grants system. As is well known, English Universities have enjoyed autonomy concerning their administration, despite receiving governmental grants. By analyzing the historical background and state policy for higher education, the writer points out the necessity of financial support for higher education and the actual function of the UGC. And as much as possible, he points out the problems of administration of higher education. Above all, state financial assistance was to raise the standard of education, especially of higher education. While English higher education has shown a great deal of development, the UGC has been abolished and a new committee (University Funding Council-UFC) established. The writer points out some characteristics and tendencies of state policy for higher education. The contents are as follows: 1. Introduction 2. First pattern of state policy for higher education 1>> historical sketch of the development of universities 2>> first grants for universities a>> foundation of the University Grants Committee b>> introduction of financial support to universities 3>> necessity for financial support to education and the actual condition 4>> the development of governmental research agencies 3. Creation of the UGC and the pattern of grants 1>> the effect of world war I and the beginning of the UGC 2>> the function of the UGC and actual problems 4. Summary References
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