- 論文の詳細を見る
As an assayer of the Royal Mint, W. Stanley Jevons stayed in Australia between 1854 and 1859. He often had tours to gold diggings and other places. Then he met an aborigine, an aboriginal black, an black, a nigger and a native there. And as a man of science, he understood them as the specimens of the race which became extinct. When the Cruelty to Animals Act of 1876 was under discussion in England, Jevons took part in the discussion on this problem and pointed out the wanton shooting and poisoning of the aborigines in Queensland for them to protect. His opinion depended on his own utilitarianism, that is, 'the course of action to be approved is evidently that which leads to the greatest balance of pleasure over pain. In casting up this credit and debit account, we may properly include not only the pleasures and pains of all mankind, but those of the lower animals. We can estimate him not only to be a protectionist of animals, but to be a pioneer of the deep ecologists, because he enlarged utilitarian standards from mankind to all kind of animals. But he was one of the typical Victorian as far as he viewed aboriginals as one of the lower animals.
- 2004-12-31
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