新約聖書における聖餐の神学と霊性 : 第二ヴァティカン公会議における典礼刷新のための一考察(<特集>第二ヴァティカン公会議閉会四十周年記念)
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This thesis describes the Eucharistic vision revealed in the New Testament. The thesis argues that (1) the Eucharistic table encompasses and endows with normative significance of faith the experience of the early Christians (Ecclesia de Eucharista), and (2) the New Testament communities creatively and experientially participated in worship that made authentic Christian messages both abundant and rich (Eucharistia de Ecclesia). "Forgiveness" is suggested as a root metaphor by which all the other experiential hermeneutics are measured and authenticated. I argue that the Eucharist contains at its depth a divine declaration of amnesty, the total forgiveness from God. It proclaims that God forgives all humans as soon as they accept that everlastingly extended divine amnesty. The Eucharist in the New Testament challenges the Christian community to live God's justice of forgiveness. Forgiveness enriches different aspects of human experiences. I place it in five dimensions : (a) Healing, (b) Commitment to the morality of God's Kingdom, (c) Communitarian Koinonia, (d) Intellectual grasp of the Christian faith, and (e) Encountering the resurrected Christ. Healing expresses an affective dimension of this forgiveness. The Kingdom of God provides a totally new vision of human morality. The Eucharist fosters the Christian vision of this communitarian unity. The Eucharist deepens the intellectual grasp on faith by the total yielding to the Bread of Life. Lastly, the participant's whole experience is integrated and perfected by the encountering with the resurrected Christ. This descriptive and reflective approach enables contemporary Christians to relive what the first Christian communities experienced. It allows them to creatively adjust the authentic Christian message to their concrete actual situations.
- 上智大学の論文
- 2005-08-01
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