ティーム保育の実践的研究(1) : 教師の連携による好きな遊びの充実について
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It is conjectured that free-flowing play is the part of the day that most requires team teaching in early childhood education. This study set out to verify the relationships between the way childcare experts work in a group, the roles assigned among them in the kindergarten, and the way children play alone and link up with one another to enrich their associations. The study comprehensively analyzed the records of discussions held after caring for and educating pre-school children, as well as those oftraining sessions of kindergarten teachers carried out in the kindergarten. Two cases, both during, a play occurring at the start of during a new term and a soccer-play, showed that team teaching could be effectively introduced in a free-flowing play period of the day regardless of the season. Furthermore, it was found that forming classes was also important in team teaching in early childhood education. Training on team teaching in childcare in the kindergarten was conducted seven times a year. Through out their daily practice of childcare, all teachers confirmed, the importance of building relationships so that they can talk about their troubles in childcare without hesitation, and discuss good ways to solve such problems for the sake of the children.
- 西南女学院大学の論文
- 2004-01-15
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