3 白血病の治療効果判定における遺伝子マーカー(シンポジウムがんの血液診断 : 将来に向けての新しい展開)(第581回新潟医学会)
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Chromosomal translocations, involving transfer of DNA between chromosomes, are found in many of the hematological malignancies. As a result of chromosomal translocation a gene from one chromosome ends up adjacent to a gene on the chromosome to which the DNA has been translocated, and this may have important consequences for the cell and the patient. In some instances, fusion of genes results in the expression of abnormal chimeric oncoproteins whose altered biochemical properties contribute to the disruption of normal mechanisms. Translocations serve as useful disease markers at presentation and at follow - up for a variety of leukemias and lymphomas. For detection of MRD (minimal residual disease), standard morphology and karyotypic analysis is not sufficiently sensitive for follow-up but other techniques can be applied, including FISH (Fluorescence in situ hybridisation) and PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been one of the effective therapies for the patients with hematological disorders including leukemia. Serial monitoring of chimerism after allogeneic HSCT can be easily and rapidly performed using PCR-based assays analyzing informative tandem repeat genetic markers including short tandem repeat (STR) polymorphism. We applied this analysis using the GenePrintTM STR Multiples Systems (Promega) for the evaluation of chimerism after HSCT. We could detect the recipient specific band easily and rapidly which indicated the leukemic relapse early after transplantation. It is, threfore, confirmed that the STR analysis using GenePrintTM STR Multiples Systems is useful for detection of chimerism in HSCT therapy.
- 2003-07-10
古川 達雄
古川 達雄
新潟大 医歯学総合病院 高密度無菌治療部
古川 達雄
新潟大学 大学院 医歯学総合研究科 循環器学 血液学 内分泌代謝学 分野
古川 達雄
新潟大学 大学院保健学研究科血液腫瘍検査学
古川 達雄
古川 達雄
古川 達雄
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