- 論文の詳細を見る
Allo-tissue or-organ such as skin or joint transfer requires to induct an efficient immunological suppression with less side effects than those of the present vital organ transfer. We conducted allo-skin grafting using rats with major histocompatibility mismatching. A full thickness abdominal skin of the Lewis rat, 1.5×2.0 cm in size, was harvested and grafted on to the back of Brown Norway rat. We inducted immunological tolerance using daily injection of 2 mg/kg anti-CD 2 monoclonal antibodies to the recipient BN rat starting from one day before surgery until 7 days postoperation except the day of the surgery. We also treated the immunogenecity of the grafting donor skin with cryopreservation. The donor skin grafts were soaked in 1.4 mol glycerol solution for tissue protection and frozen in step wise using programming freezer and then preserved in liquid nitrogen tank for 21 days before grafting. The results were evaluated by the close observation of the grafted skin condition, and the immunological conditions were assessed by flow cytometry and mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) test. The grafted cryopreserved skin was rejected 17 days postoperatively in average in anti-CD 2 MoAb administrated rats and 14 days in rats without anti-CD 2 MoAb administration. There was no hair regrowth in the skin grafted area which underwent rejection and re-epithelialization suggesting the presence of the dermis of the grafted skin in half of the rats treated with cryopreservation, and only one in rats without cryopreservation 4 months postoperatively. Flow cytometry and MLR test suggested that immunological tolerance was partly established. These results suggests that combined treatment of the recipient using anti-CD 2 MoAb and that of donor by cryopreservation may establish an effective immunological tolerance in allo-skin grafting.
- 新潟大学の論文
渡部 久実
久保田 茂夫
柴田 実
新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻可塑性機能制御講座形成・再建外科学分野
柴田 実
Chen WEI
陳 煒
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