Changes in Superior Mesenteric Blood Flow Produced by Splanchnic Nerveand Hypovolemic Stimulation in Rats
Nobuhiro Fujita
The First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Takashi Aono
The First Department Of Surgery
Takeo Sakaguchi
The First Department Of Physiology
- Plasma Indocyanine Green Disappearance Induced by ElectricalStimulation of the Hepatic Vagal Branch in Rats
- An Interaction Between ras-p21 and nm23 Influencing the ClinicalCourse of Gastric Carcinoma
- Changes in Superior Mesenteric Blood Flow Produced by Splanchnic Nerveand Hypovolemic Stimulation in Rats
- Selective Increments of Superior Mesenteric Artery Blood Flow byDopamine Administration in the Pig
- Suppression of Liver Blood Flow by Carbon Dioxide Pneumoperitoneumcan be Improved by Prostaglandin E_1 in Pigs
- Platelet and Cholesterol Responses Caused by Oral Administration ofGinseng Extract in 66% Hepatectomized Rats
- Portal Injection of Dopamine Directly Increases Portal VenousBlood Flow in 66 Percent Hepatectomized Rats
- Characteristic Responses in Portal Venous Blood Flow Caused by OmentalAdministration of Prostaglandin E_1 in 66% Hepatectomized Rats
- Inhibition of Food Transportation in the Rat Stomach from HepaticBranch Vagotomy
- Utilization of Low Dose Indocyanine Green Test fo Evaluating LiverFunction
- Scoring the Bile Duct for the Indication of Additive Biliary Drainage Operation
- A Portal Angiographic Sign in a Patient with Esophageal Varices Following Total Gastrectomy and Esophagojejunostomy
- Application of a Non-invasive System for Monitoring PlasmaIndocyanine Green Dynamics in Rats
- Responses in Portal Venous Flow and Pressure Produced by CerebralSympathetic Activation in Rats
- Specific Effects of 15-Deoxyspergualin on the Fat Metabolism inPartially Hepatectomized Rats
- Liver Circulatory Response Caused by Prostaglandin E_1 in 90 PercentHepatectomized Rats