- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper aims to investigate the actual conditions of apparel industry of Gifu area. It had been developed after the World War II, but it has been declining recent ten years. This investigation was carried out sixteen years ago by Gifu City. We reinvestigate them again and probe how we should do for the apparel industry to activate. It will make the town of Gifu activate too. We send the investigation paper to 1035 apparel companies and 935 sawing companies near and within Gifu City in the beginning of March 2004. 132 (12.8%)apparel companies and 70 (7.2%) sawing companies answered. We summed up their data and concluded as follows: 1) the actual condition of apparel industry in Gifu area is very severe to continue, 2) it is very important for Gifu to think how to recover its vitality.
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