Introduction: Pastoralists and Their Neighbors: Perspectives from Asia and Africa
Ikeya Kazunobu
Fratkin Elliot
Smith College, USA
Fratkin Elliot
Smith College Usa
イケヤ カズノブ
Smith College, USA
- Introduction: Hunting Culture and Mining Knowledge
- Historical Changes in Reindeer Herding by the Chukchi and Preservation of the Identity
- Socioeconomic Relationships between Herders and Hunters: A Comparison of the Kalahari Desert and Northeastern Siberia
- Introduction: Pastoralists and Their Neighbors: Perspectives from Asia and Africa
- Livestock Economy and Camel Pastoralism among the Raika in India
- A Comparative Approach to Transition and Social Change among Livestock Pastoralists in East Africa and Central Asia
- Some Changes among the San under the Influence of Relocation Plan in Botswana