成長・発達の困難と「自己」の形成 : 軽度発達障害・子ども虐待の検討から(<特集>現代社会における子どもの自己の発達 : 教育心理学的な支援のあり方をめぐって)
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We have become to have concern about the issues of children with mild developmental disorder and maltreatment and discussed how they accompany with difficulties in human development and education. In this paper I first pointed out a characteristic problem shown by the survey in institutions for dependent children in Hokkaido. A large number of children in these institutions showed maltreatment and needs for special educational support. Second I described 6-year follow up study of the child with learning disabilities and maltreatment from childhood to adolescence. We must reconsider whether our support or educational approach to them in the setting of school will be worthwhile. In this point I emphasized that it is necessary for them to receive an educational activity that can promote their "self-formation". For the sake of arguing this I examined theories of human development that discussed "self-formation", -like Winicott's theory, Kohut's theory and Wallon's theory-.
- 2006-02-28
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