Development of Livestock Sector in Asia: An Analysis of Present Situation of Livestock Sector and Its Importance for Future Development
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This study reports the results of survey conducted on livestock development in selected Asian countries. Livestock plays a vital role in economic development and play a major role in the life of farmers in developing Asian countries. In the Asian region, livestock provides major additional contribution to agriculture through draft power, manure, fuel, and as a fertilizer. Animal products such as meat, milk and eggs provide daily cash income to agricultural families and also provide much required nutrition to rural population. The outlook for the poultry farming is promising. The average consumption of animal products among these countries is well below the world average but with the growth in disposable income and purchasing power will increase the demand for animal products. This study found that the Asian share of the world meat production has been quite low when compared to its animal population. According to our survey, there is a characteristic reduction of farm families raising cattle and pigs. However, the farm families raising poultry is increasing in developing countries but with large scale poultry farming becoming more profitable in developed and industrialized countries resulting reduction of farm families raising poultry. Along with a wide variety of religious followings, cultures, with different food habits, the livestock industry in Asia has been trying to satisfy variety of consumers in the region. Since feed cost is becoming the most important factor in livestock production, increasing self sufficiency in feed production will be an important factor in future development programs. Demand for animal products has been increasing with the rapid economic development in Asia.
- 岐阜市立女子短期大学の論文
杉山 道雄
Gifu City Women's College
イダマルゴダ アルナシリ
Research & Development Division, Ichimaru Pharcos Co. Ltd.
小栗 克之
Faculty of Regional Studies, Gifu University
神谷 信明
Gifu City Women's College
小栗 克之
神谷 信明
小栗 克之
イダマルゴダ アルナシリ
Research & Development Division Ichimaru Pharcos Co. Ltd.
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