新規高圧気密釜製法による釜炒り茶の生理および嗜好作用(西九州大学 I.健康栄養学科)
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A new pan fired method (the Eguchi style) of green tea with a high pressure and airtight pan has been recently developed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the physiological and preference functions of the pan fired tea of Eguchi style, and to compare the pan fired method of the Eguchi style with the other methods (the steamed method or the pan fired method of the conventional style). Tea samples were manufactured by different methods with the same fresh tea leaves that were plucked on the same date at the same place. The difference of manufacturing methods was hardly affected on contents of minerals, amino acids and caffeine in infusions. However, catechins in tea manufactured by the pan fired method of the Eguchi style were more than ones in teas manufactured by other methods. As to the antioxidative activity, the tea manufactured by the pan fired method of the Eguchi style was also the highest of all others. The tissues of tea leaves at the cross section were observed by a scanning electron microscope. As a result, the destruction of tissues in tea leaves was confirmed for the tea manufactured by the pan fired method. This result would suggest a complete inactivation of polyphenol oxidase in tea leaves. Consequently the pan fired tea manufactured by the Eguchi style showed a high content of catechins and a high antioxidative activity. It can be said that this is manufacturing method of a new Japanese tea with a high physiological function.
- 西九州大学の論文
- 2004-03-01
尊田 民喜
安田 みどり
熊川 景子
熊川 景子
武富 和美
近藤 道男
尾崎 加奈
江口 亜由美
江口 亜由美
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