- 論文の詳細を見る
In the Taishu Flora (TATEIWA, 1934) the writer recognized four phytozones; namely, Kotsuki, Wakata, Mitsushima and Kushi in ascending order. The Kotsuki phytozone may be one of the early Oligocene floras in Japan. It contains three characteristic species, Equisetites kitamurae, Myrica sp. and Sterculia sp. The Wakata and Mitsushima phytozones accompany the Oligocene fauna which bears some resemblance to the Yoldia zone of the Poronai shale bed in Hokkaido. The characteristic species of these phytozones are Araucaria sp., Sequoia langsdorfii, Taxodium sp., Sabalites taishuensis, Machilus sp., Liquidambar sp. and Mallotus sp. In the writer's judgement, the Kushi phytozone belongs to the Neogene flora in which characteristic species are Cinnamomum sp., Hamamelites cfr. inaequalis and Garrya cfr. axelrodi. As a result, the writer is convinced that the age of the Taishu Group ranges from the Oligocene to the early Miocene.
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