- 論文の詳細を見る
This study deals with the spermatophyta flora of the garden of the Institute for NatureStudy, National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan. There is about 20ha of area of the garden, which located the center of Tokyo Metropolis, and which has been conserved as a national monument from 1949 because of keeping well-preserved vegetation. The forest is covered by Castanopsis, Cornus, Quercus and Pinus, and the circumference of the ponds are covered by swamp vegetation. A floral survey was carried out from 1998 to 2001. Species number of Spermatophyta of this area is consists of 632 species (native species of this garden 379spp., species of freeing into wilderness 64spp., the naturalized species from the foreign country 48spp., cultivated species 148spp.). If it restricts to the native species, 528spp. In 1954,468spp. In 1965,459spp. In 1984 were found in each survey year. Judging from these data, it seems that present flora in the garden clearly shows decreasing tendency of floral diversity. It is obviously due to the results of the vegetational succession to two directions. The forest are on succession from decidious secondary forest of Cornus controversa, Quercus serrata, Idesia policalpa and planted Piuas thunbergii forest, to potential natural forest of ever-green Castanopsis cuspidata, Quercus acuta, Machirus tunbergii, Neolitsea sericea, Ilex integra.. On another side, the vegetation of swamp are on dryness from grassland of hygrophyte to wood of Salix eriocarpa and Juglans ailarthifolia. In the new record species in this garden, many species which grows originally. Wild in southern district more were seen, as follows, Cymbidium nipponicum f. sagaminense, Alpinia japonica, Millettia japonica, Sarcandra glaber, Rhynchospermum verticillatum ect. It is thought that the decisive reason of these phenomena is based on the rapid rise of the winter temperature in recent years on the heating of Tokyo.
- 2002-06-01
萩原 信介
近田 文弘
倉俣 武男
藤本 沙由美
安部 代始子
萩原 信介/倉俣
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