- 論文の詳細を見る
The orthopteroid fauna of the garden in the Institute for Nature Study, a branch of National Science Museum, Tokyo, was investigated. This garden is located not only near the center of Tokyo Metropolis, but also near from the innermost part of the Bay of Tokyo. The garden area has been conserved as a national monument because of keeping well-preserved vegetation, pond and small marsh, in which forest it contains pine trees and evergreen broadleaved trees such as Castanopsis and Quercus species, but it is just as an island isolated from the surroundings by highly urbanized environment. In the present days, forests reach or nearly reach to climax phase, and hence, it is dark in the inside of the forests. Thirty-three species were recorded in the surveys carried out during the years from 1998 to 2000,together with some data obtained in the recent years : one species, wild one, belonging to Blattodea, 3 to Mantodea, 26 to Orthoptera, 2 to Phasmatodea, and 1 to Dermaptera. In the Orthoptera were recorded 2 species belonging to Gryllacrididae, 2 to Raphidophoridae, 8 to Tettigoniidae, 6 to Gryllidae, 1 to Oecanthidae, 1 to Mogoplistidae, 1 to Gryllotalpidae, 1 to Atractomorphidae, 1 to Acrididae, and 3 to Tetrigidae. The greater part of the species recorded is common in the Tokyo area, but some species, Amantis nawai belonging to Mantidae, Eobiana japonica and Conocephalus (Xiphidion) melas to Tettigoniidae, and Gonista bicolor to Acrididae, have not or rarely been recorded from the surroundings, though they were recently recorded from forests of the Imperial Palace located in the center of Tokyo Metropolis. In the 1952 survey in the garden, 51 orthopteroid species except termite were found, and in 1984,59 species were recorded. From the forest of the Imperial Palace, 45 species were cluite recently recorded. Judging from these data, it seems that the present orthopterous fauna in the garden shows decreasing tendency of the inhabiting species, in particular, of grassland species. It is obviously due to the decrease of gfasslands against the increase of forests.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 2001-12-10
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