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1. This study deals with the bryophyte flora of the Institute for Nature Study, National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan. The bryophyte flora of this area consists of 29 families, 44 genera and 58 species (18 families, 31 genera and 43 species in Musci, 11 families, 13 genera and 15 species in Hepaticae). There has recognized two endangered species (Taxiphyllum alternans and Monosolenium tenerum) in this area. 2. Nakamura et al. (1979) reported 52 species of bryophytes from this area. Since then 11 species have disappeared and 18 species have newly occurred in this area, possibly by the environmental change in the area. The species that disappeared are as follows : Barbula indica, Brotherella fauriei, Didymodon constrictus, Epipterygium tozeri, Forsstroemia japonica, Oncophorus crisplfolius and Pogonatum nessii in Musci and Fossombronia foveolata var. cristula, Lunularia cruciata, Marchantia polymorpha and Reboulia hemispherica in Hepaticae. The species that newly occurred are as follows : Brachymenium nepalense, Callicaladium haldanianum. Entodon sullivantii var. versicolor, Fabronia matsumurae, Funaria hygrometrica, Isopterygium minutirameum, Leskeella pusilla. Plagiomnium maximoviczii, Plagiothecium euryphyllum, Pohlia wahlenbergii, Rhynchostegium inclinatum, Schwetschkea matsumurae and Venturiella sinensis in Musci and Jungermannia truncata, Macvicaria ulophylla, Marchantia emarginata subsp. Tosasna, Marchantia paleacea subsp. Diptera and Monosolenium tenerum in Hepaticae. Among the 18 species newly recorded, the 10 species were epiphytic bryophytes.
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